
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Is Doggy Style Acceptible for Christian Women?

Doggie Style is a style named after dogs.

I was at the Sunday evening women’s bible study the other night when the topic of pleasing your husband came up. Some of the newly married ladies were curious which sexual positions were ok for a christian woman to engage in with their husband. Soon Talk turned to one position in particular. Since I am the elder of the group many questioning faces turned to me. Of course I have my opinions, but my opinions are nothing to the opinions of God and Jesus Christ. So I decided to do some biblical research.

The liberals who come to our holy online fellowship here and mock us, are always blabbering on about research. So here it is.
Now, I was going to save this for Wednesday bible study but many of my church have begun reading my posts here. Also with the recent marriage of Bruce and Claire, I thought this might come in handy in their bed chamber.

Much to my surprise, the Bible does not say anything about sexual positions. There are no prohibitions on any position in the Bible, it seems. Other than the prohibition of having intercourse with a menstruous woman (Lev 18:19), there is no comment about the types of sexual activity between married people. Then I decided to look for any sex in the bible.

I found this:
Under the Mosaic Law, twenty-eight offenses called for the death penalty. Of these, 8 were for sexual offenses. Capital offenses relating to human sexuality are listed in the order in which they appear.
1) Bestiality. A person having sex with an animal was to be executed along with the
animal (Ex 22:19 and Lev 20:15,16).
2) Adultery.A married person having sex with some other person was to be executed
with the illegal partner (Lev 20:10 and Deut 22:22).
3) A son having sex with his father’s wife ( his mother or stepmother) was to be
executed along with the partner (Lev 20:11).
4) A man having sex with his daughter-in-law was to be executed with the partner (Lev
5) Male Homosexuality. Both men were to be executed (Lev 20:13 and Lev 18:22. Also
see Ro 1:27 and End Note 3).
6) A woman who has had sex while living in her father’s house and then marries
(presenting herself as a virgin) was to be executed after due process (Deut 22:13-21).
7) A man who has sex with a virgin engaged to another, was to be executed (Deut
8) If an engaged virgin is inside the city and has sex with another man, that woman
was to be executed along with her lover. If the virgin is outside the city, she may have been
raped, so only the male is executed
But in the end, some sexual acts may be considered by some to be degrading or humiliating.
Those who would “keep walking by spirit” should not ignore the Scriptural indications of God’s thinking. And they will do well to cultivate a hatred for everything that is unclean before Jehovah, including what are clearly perverted sexual practices. Married couples should act in a way that will leave them with a clean conscience, as they give unimpeded attention to developing “the fruitage of the spirit.”—Galatians 5:16, 22, 23; Ephesians 5:3-5.”

If being bent over a chair while your husband man handles your flesh tunnel makes you feel like a cheap whorelot…perhaps you should ask yourself…Am I a cheap whorelot?

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