
Friday, March 28, 2014

Miami Bath Salt Zombies Continue to Spread Across Nation. Reports on Rise

Since I first broke the news of the impending Zombie Apocalypse that is being fueled by Miami Bath Salt and Sodomy, I have been inundated with reports of other zombie attacks from around the nation. I have been just as amazed by people that are more interested in complaining about how sodomy has nothing to do with this apocalypse. These Liberal Atheist Sodomites (LAS) will see how right I am when they are being sodomized by a homogay zombie while having their brains eatten from their still living body.

The simple fact is that sodomy is a horrible sin. So horrible that God himself calls it an ABOMINATION. This act along with the consumption of bath salt LSD cocaine turns these people into walking living abominations. We are in the end times people! Even the Obama Administrations, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is telling us to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse!

As many Americans that are in fear of their lives and immortal souls, I went to the shooting range yesterday to practice for when the zombies start walking down West Paces Ferry Road to my house. I will not be a victim and niether will many other good Christian people. Many I talked to were stocking up on ammo. 

Richard Head, proprietor of my favorite shooting range Atlanta Christian Guns and Shooting Range in Marietta, told me that they are doing great on sales. They have almost sold out of their hand guns and are running even lower on ammo than usual. Their biggest seller is Hornady Zombie Max ammo.

zombie max
Please send some in 9mm, 45ACP, 7.62×39, and 12 ga

As I write this the victim of the first attack, is in critical condition. He is a homeless 65-year-old man named Ronald Poppo that lived under the causeway. Photos of the poor man on the internet show gruesome carnage to his face. Every thing from his upper lip is gone except one eye. It is horrible to thing think that this could happen to the rest of us. 

But the simple truth is that it can. Sodomy is all around us. It is just a matter of time before a homogay decides to take a bath in some LSD laced bath salts and while washing off the filth of multiple men from their homogay sexcapades, creates a toxic sludge that makes them want to eat the flesh from their fellow man.

HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA – on May 16th, Two teachers and 12 students at McArthur High School are treated in a hospital decontamination area after breaking out in mysterious rashes. The scare had the school building evacuated and a HazMat team arrived to investigate. The victims had their arms and abdomens covered in rashes.They had to shower in an area set up outside the school before being transported in a plastic-lined school bus to Memorial Regional Hospital. They then walked through two inflatable halls and showered again, and placed their clothing in orange bags.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – Police arrest Natasha Hubbard, after she reached into a baby stroller, unbelted the baby and grabbing him by the leg, swung him overhead before slamming him into a rail. She then tried to break the babies leg off to eat it. Luckily the baby received only minor injuries and was treated for bruises and scratches.

Hackensack, New Jersey - On May 30, Wayne Carter, a 43 year-old man stabbed himself in the stomach 50 times and then threw his own intestinnes at the Police when they burst into his barricaded bedroom door after a room mate called them. The police called in the SWAT Team who were also bombarded by chunks of intestine and flesh as he slashed himself wit a foot long butcher knife.

nj zombie

Just as previous zombie attacks the weopons of the police proved useless. After using two bottles of mace on the man he was still stabbing himself. Finally he was subdued only after being shot with projectile bean bags, not to mention the 50 self inflicted stab wounds as well as the severed main artery in his stomach. The scene was so bloody that the SWAT team needed to go through a decontaminating process before leaving. 

Baltimore, Maryland – On May 31, just days ago, Alexander Kinyua, an electrical engineering major at Morgan State University and member of his school’s ROTC program was arrested for killing his room mate. He didn’t just kill the room mate he ate his heart and portions of his brain. The victim’s severed head and hands were found in their home; even more remains were left in a trash container outside a church.
sodomy zombie
The end is near people! Will you hear my call? Will you come to Christ? Will you be saved before we are all damned? Prepare yourselves!

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Miami Bath Salts Lead to Sodomy Induced Zombie Apocalypse

Second Zombie Attack in Texas, Zombie Plague Spreads.

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