
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: C/Net Has More Viruses Than CDC

more viruses than CDC
 More viruses than CDC
National Report - As I near the end of my time here on Earth, I like many others come to be interested in where I came from. I have over 80 years of history in my head but there is more history that I do not know about. That is why I have turned to genealogy to learn more about where I have come from. I know that the Xenu family has a very proud history in this country going back to Jamestown, Virginia where Zacharias Xenu was a sailor on board a supply ship that fell in love with an Indian woman and fathered many little half red man babies.

Recently I decided that with so many ancestors, I needed to turn to the Internet to get a computer program that could help me. My grandson told me about a website hosted by C/, a supposedly reputable company. I downloaded the program and the first time that I used it the program crashed. Then a little ad popped up. Then something popped up saying that my computer was infected. I called my grandson back to fix the mess.

He told me that the program that I had just downloaded was probably a virus and He immediately started a program called Search and Destroy. He said that this was a program that would get rid of all the evil viruses that stupid program had loaded. The good program found several viruses and when he tried to fix it but it would not allow him to remove the viruses. He uninstalled one program only to find it had reappeared days later.

What kind of reputable company would disguise such vile viruses as a legitimate program? I immediately went back to the website to file a review of the fake program, of course I had to sign up for an account, and then it would not allow me to leave my negative review! But of course the email spam from C/net started coming. I then tried to find an email address to let them know what a horrible program they were allowing unexpecting internet users to download, and of course there was no contact information on their website. I had to google c/nets email address and sent them a lengthy email letting them know what I thought of their website. The reply I received was :
 So you can send me more spam or infect my computer some more? So you can send me more spam or infect my computer some more?

Yeah. Like I am clicking on that. Luckily Jimmy was able to finally open the computer in something called “safe mode networking” and was able to uninstall the programs (My PCBackup and Lucky Leaf) as well as use the Search and Destroy program to remove the virus files left in the registry.

Reputable programs do not make it so that you can not remove them. Reputable programs do not make it so that you can not remove them.[/caption] In researching how to remove these programs Jimmy found a website where everyone commented that they all had gotten these harmful and damaging viruses at C/net. Personally I am disgusted that a company like this would allow such pure crap as this on their servers. I am writing this to help others and in hopes that C/net might make this situation right.cnet-logo

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