Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Girl Scouts Are Sinful Cookie Selling Lesbians

 Swanson added that Girl Scouts are creating a generation of independent women who will put a “communist in the White House” and promote the “gay and lesbian agenda.”

National Report – Every fall Girl Scouts descend upon grocery stores around the nation to hock their glucose containing cookies. But what are you buying when you buy those cookies. You are buying a one way trip to lesbianism, liberalism, communism, and eventual hell for a young girl, according to pastors Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner of Generations Radio. 

Swanson begs us as Christians not to purchase the demon cookies. “Please, I beg of you, do not buy Girl Scout cookies,” Swanson said. “Please, I beg of you, stop buying Girl Scout cookies.”
He goes on to add that if you do you should “take a big, fat, black magic marker” and “start marking out all of the references to the Girl Scouts of America on all the boxes.” He then goes on to explain that the Girl Scouts are promoting lesbianism and abortion, and calls the cookies “food offered to idols.”
Swanson and Buehnerare on air to save your soul.
Swanson and Buehner are on air to save your soul.
Who are those idols? The first openly homosexual mayor in the United States, Annise Parker and her lesbian partner Kathy Hubbard who is the treasurer for Planned Parenthood (known abortionists) and Sara Bareilles, a singer that is a prominent voice for the gay and lesbian agenda.
The pastors go on to explain how purchasing cookies leads to lesbianism and communism:

Buehner: Those are some pretty expensive cookies you’re eating though. At some point a Christian has to say, ‘the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,’ and where you spend your money does count.

Swanson: It does and I don’t want to promote a wicked organization that according to its own website doesn’t promote godly womanhood, it just doesn’t, I don’t see anything that promotes godly womanhood. The vision of the Girl Scouts of America is antithetical to a biblical vision for womanhood, it’s antithetical to it.

Think about that this the next time you see a Girl Scout. Instead of buying her cookies and leading her down a path of licking the sin cans of countless other women, tell her of the love of Jesus Christ instead.

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